Hey there! Excited to have you onboard. This is a quick start guide for you to understand functionalities provided by LazyWork and how to configure each of them. If you have any questions or any feature requests you would like to see supported, please reach out to us at support@lazywork.xyz
For setting up, first follow the instruction from the download page
Before Opening LazyWork
- Rename LazyWork to a commonly used application such as Chrome, Notepad, Safari, Excel
- If you used the windows installer please make sure to rename LazyWork where it was installed. You can do this by right clicking on the Desktop shortcut and clicking "Open File Location"

- [WINDOWS ONLY] Make sure to start LazyWork as Admin to avoid running into issues with low activity levels. To do so, right click on the app icon -> "Run as administrator".
- [WINDOWS ONLY] If you open the application and nothing shows up, you likely started LazyWork with hidden mode ON by default. You can unhide LazyWork by using "Ctrl + O" hotkey
Once you've started the application, you can quickly get automated movements and validate everything is setup properly by following these steps.
1) Select any functionality you'd like by checking off the "Enabled" circle on the top right corner of each setting. The easiest way to validate if it is working is "Mouse Movement" since you can see it in action.
2) Start the software using the hotkeys listed on the application. On your keyboard, pressing Control + 1 together will minimize and start the software. To stop the software and unminimize, you can once again press Control + 1 on your keyboard.
3) You can also optionally test out Control + 0 (thats a ZERO) to kill the application immediately and Control + O to minimize

Feature Overview
Over the last couple of years, LazyWork has worked with multiple users to come up with a feature set that will work on the majority of existing time tracking software. The core functionalities include the following:
Mouse movement
For mouse movement, we've randomized the movement so smarter software detection algorithms will not be able to catch automated movements. We also provide a configurable time between movement to allow users to configure how fast/often movement is so they to meet their expected productivity goals.As general guidance, setting minimum time higher implies it'll take longer between mouse movements and the larger the difference between minimum and maximum times means there is a bigger "randomness" to your movements.
Application scroll
Scrolling is very similar to mouse movements, we support minimum/maximum time between movement which provides customers with the ability to decide how often and how often random scrolling movements will occur.
Keyboard movement
For keyboard, we tried to emulate a static words per minute (WPM) and minimum/maximum time between typing. Combined, these settings will provide a realistic typing session, where bursts of typing occurs and then stop.As general guidance, setting minimum time higher implies it'll take longer between keypress sessions and the larger the difference between minimum and maximum times means there is a bigger "randomness" to your movements.
Window Switching (i.e Alt-tabbing)
Similar to other movements options we provide a configurable time between window switching , which is helpful to bypass tracking software which screenshot your main application or tracks the time you spend on active applications.
Browser Tab Switching
To enable browser tab switching, you can select the circle next to "Browser Interaction", which will enable browser tabbing if the browser is in focus. This is helpful for tracking software that requires periodic screenshots and will switch between your browser tabs at random.
How to hide minimized LazyWork window on Mac OS?
If you want to avoid showing the minimized LazyWork window on your dock (maybe your employer has screenshots turned on, and you want to avoid suspicion of a permanently minimized window), you can change your Dock settings on Mac.
Simply go to System Settings -> Dock -> Minimize windows into application icon and turn that option on. See https://support.apple.com/lv-lv/guide/mac-help/mchlp1119/mac for more information.
How to change icon on Mac OS when Using LazyWork?
For Mac users, a workaround we found to be effective is changing the icon of the application. We found for individual use cases, certain icons are still considered a "bad" application. We decided that it is much better to ask the user to change the icon themselves.
To replace the Mac icon, right click on the pplication, select "Get Info", then drag your new icon (should be an .icns file) onto the icon that should be on the top left of the window. For a visual guide, please see this guide.
Once you've changed the icon on that info window, close it and please right click on the Application again,"Show package content" > "Contents" > "Resources" > "ui" and delete the "LazyWorkIcon.ico" and "LWBGWhite.png" files, which are used in the task bar app icon.
How to Add Additional Security when Using LazyWork?
If you have a computer that is owned by the company or if the computer prevents you from downloading LazyWork, here are some steps to bypass that.
1) From a personal computer, download LazyWork and put it onto a USB stick
2) Plug the USB stick into the work computer, and run it directly from there
You can also add additional security by renaming the LazyWork application so that it is less likely to be detected.
Example, Renaming it Notepad or Chrome.
You can also start LazyWork in hidden mode and run it directly by the hotkeys.
Video Tutorial For Bypassing Time Doctor
Video Tutorial For Bypassing Hubstaff
Video Tutorial For Bypassing Team Logger
Common issues/FAQ can be found at https://www.lazywork.xyz/faq.
We're glad that you're using LazyWork and hope it will help you perform more efficiently at work without sacrificing your personal time! If you have any questions, please reach out to us here. ( https://lazywork.xyz/contact )